Tag Archives: dinner

Basa fish in mustard 🐟🍴


Mustard paste ( fresh or bottled) 

Few mustard seeds 

Green chillies

Medium pieces of basa fish 

Mustard oil 

Onions made into paste in the grinder 

Ginger Garlic paste 


Red Chilli powder 

Salt to taste 
Method : 
Marinade the fish pieces in salt , turmeric & red chilli powder and keep aside for some time 

In a pan heat mustard oil and fry the marinated fish until it turns golden.

In the same pan and the remaining oil crack few mustard seeds and fry the onion, ginger & garlic paste . Add the green chillies and also pinch of turmeric , salt and a dash of chilli powder . Now add the mustard paste. 

Put the fried fish pieces in the mix and cook for 10 to 15 mins in medium flame also add 1/2 a cup of warm water and further let all the ingredients blend well and fully cooked.Your yummy mustard fish is ready to be enjoyed with steaming hot rice .