Tag Archives: snack

Tuna and Bread Scramble .

Ingredients :

tuna in olive oil 

capsicum diced 

onions chopped 

salt to taste

black pepper

diced green chiles (depending on your spice preference)

your favorite bread scramble, gluten-free brown bread for me)

tomatoes chopped

Coriander / cilantro and grated cheese for the garnish 

 Directions :

1. In a medium skillet, warm vegetable oil or olive oil over medium heat.  Add capsicum ,tomatoes and  onions to the pan.  Sautee for approximately 5 to 7 minutes, or until softened.

2. While these are cooking add salt, and pepper and keep frying .

3. Add tuna and green chiles to the skillet.  Cook for an additional 2 to 3 minutes, or until warm.

4. While the tuna and chiles are heating up, add the bread scramble of your choice and fry further till every ingredient blends with each other . Sprinkle the finely chopped coriander and grated cheese .Serve hot with tomato ketchup 🤗

#EatHealthy !!