Tag Archives: oyster sauce

Chicken in Oyster Sauce and Green Beans .

• 500 grams chicken breast cut into cubes

• 4 tbsp cornflour

• green beans blanched

• 2 large onions chopped

• garlic, chopped

• ginger, finely grated

• 1 tbsp dark soy sauce

• 2 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce

• 2 tbsp ketchup

• salt and black pepper to taste


1. Marinade the chicken cubes and coat with cornflour,salt and pepper for an hour

2. Heat some olive oil or vegetable oil in a skillet pan and fry the marinated chicken cubes until brown

3. Fry the garlic, onion and ginger in the remaining oil for a minute and add the blanched green beans

4. Add in the chicken  and stir well

5. Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce , ketchup and a dash of water to the chicken. Give it a good mix and cover the skillet with a lid for few minutes

6. Give the chicken one last stir. Serve with pan fried noodles or steamed rice .
Happy cooking !!