Tag Archives: Chicken

Chicken Tawa Masala 

Ingredients for Chicken Tawa Masala Recipe
 • Chicken Leg and breast pieces marinated for two hours in turmeric powder, salt, red chilli powder,fresh 1/2 a lemon squeezed ,jeera powder

 • Oil 2 to 3 tablespoons

 • jeera powder 1 teaspoon

 • Garlic chopped 2 to 3 pods

 • Onion finely chopped 1/2 cup

 • Green chillies diced 2 or 3

 • Red chilli powder 1/2 teaspoon

 • Salt to taste

 • 1 large tomato chopped

 • Garam masala powder 1 teaspoon 

 • Butter 1 teaspoon

 • Chaat masala 1/2 teaspoon

 • Grated ginger 1 teaspoon 

Method : 

Heat oil in a Tawa/pan and fry the marinated chicken pieces until golden brown . Add chopped onions , garlic , tomatoes and green chillies to it and also the spices . Stir well so that the masala and the chicken blends into each other . Cooked in low flame for sometime till the meat is done. 

Serve hot with roti / nun/paratha . 
Happy cooking ! 

Chicken in mustard sauce .

All you need for boneless chicken in creamy mustard sauce : 
Boneless Chicken diced 


English mustard paste 

Fresh cream 2/3 teaspoons 

Salt to taste 

Pepper powder 

Chopped onions 

Dried oregano 


Paprika powder 

Olive oil 
Method : 

Marinate the boneless diced chicken in salt,paprika powder and cornflour. ( for at least one hour) 
For the gravy :

Make a paste of English mustard, mayonnaise and fresh cream.
In a pan heat olive oil & turn in the marinated chicken . Fry until it’s done on all sides and keep aside . 

In the same pan add chopped onions and fry . Add the chicken pieces back to the pan . Pour in the paste already prepared and mix well . 

Add salt , pepper and finish it off with a dash of dried oregano .Serve with plain steamed rice or herbed butter rice . 

Happy cooking ! 

Chicken Stew 

A quick and easy  ,scrumptious , healthy and mouth watering recipe for boneless stewed chicken . 

Ingredients : 
 • 500 grams boneless skinless chicken breast, cubed

 • 1 large potato, peeled and cubed

 • 2 medium carrots, sliced

 • 1 tomato sliced 

 • Hand full of green beans 

 • 1 capsicum or bell pepper diced 

 • 1 large onion chopped

 • 4 to 5 Garlic cloves diced 

 • Ginger grated 

 • 2 tsp Olive oil 

 • 1 tsp butter 

 • 2 tsp Cornflour in 1/2 a cup milk & 1/2 a cup water 

 • Salt & white pepper to taste 
Method :
Heat olive oil & butter in a cooking pan and add the garlic,ginger and onions & sauté until slight brown. Then add the veggies and the chicken cubes . Sprinkle salt and white pepper.

Fry in medium flame for some 10 mins then stir in the cornflour and milk mixture and mix everything well. Cover the lid and cook u till veggies and chicken are well done and you get a smooth gravy texture . Serve hot with plain rice /garlic rice or assorted breads . 
Happy Cooking !! 


Chicken in Oyster Sauce and Green Beans .

• 500 grams chicken breast cut into cubes

• 4 tbsp cornflour

• green beans blanched

• 2 large onions chopped

• garlic, chopped

• ginger, finely grated

• 1 tbsp dark soy sauce

• 2 1/2 tbsp oyster sauce

• 2 tbsp ketchup

• salt and black pepper to taste


1. Marinade the chicken cubes and coat with cornflour,salt and pepper for an hour

2. Heat some olive oil or vegetable oil in a skillet pan and fry the marinated chicken cubes until brown

3. Fry the garlic, onion and ginger in the remaining oil for a minute and add the blanched green beans

4. Add in the chicken  and stir well

5. Add the soy sauce, oyster sauce , ketchup and a dash of water to the chicken. Give it a good mix and cover the skillet with a lid for few minutes

6. Give the chicken one last stir. Serve with pan fried noodles or steamed rice .
Happy cooking !!


Russia has a large ethnic and cultural diversity due to its vast area which leads to different kinds of cooking traditions. It being one of the coldest countries the use of grains like wheat, millet, barley & rye and meats like beef, chicken and fish in its preparations is extensive and specially prepared to keep them warm.
Russian vodka and beer have a large following all over the world and so does this yummylacious chicken dish called STROGANOFF ..

• 500 grams chicken breast, cleaned and cut into cubes

• 1 teaspoon paprika

• 6 cloves of garlic, minced

• 2 tablespoons all purpose flour

• 1 large onion, chopped

• 2 tablespoons butter

• 1 tablespoon olive oil

• 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

• 3 tablespoons ketchup

• 2 tablespoons English mustard paste

• 1 cup crushed or puréed tomatoes

• 1/2 a cup red wine

• 1/2 a cup Cream

• Salt to taste

• Chopped coriander to garnish

1. In a large bowl, mix the chicken cubes with the salt, the paprika and the flour until all the chicken is coated.

2. In a large skillet over medium high heat, heat the olive oil and the butter and sauté the onion and garlic until translucent

3. Add the chicken and cook until the chicken is browned on all sides

4. Add the Worcestershire sauce and the red wine

5. Add ketchup , mustard paste and cook for a minute and also add the crushed tomatoes and stir until everything blends together

6. Check to see if the chicken is cooked through. If it isn’t, lower the heat and let it simmer until the chicken is done. If it is, stir in the cream and let the stroganoff cook .

7. Sprinkle some chopped coriander to garnish and serve hot over a bed of pan fried noodles or pasta !!

Happy cooking 🙂

Bake and Grill Chicken Masala 🍗🌶🍎

Ingredients :

   chicken pieces (leg and breast)

   plain yogurt

  fresh tomato purée 

  ginger paste

  garlic paste

  garam masala powder

  paprika powder

  red chillie powder to taste


  vegetable oil 

  chaat masala

  lemon juice

  cumin powder

  coriander powder

  turmeric powder

   salt to taste 

   kasuri methi 

Directions : 

 1. Add all ingrediants into a large mixing bowl and add the chicken pieces to the marinade and keep aside in the refrigerator for 4 hours or so .

 2. Place the marinated chicken on a baking tray / dish 

 3. Bake in the microwave oven for 20 to 30 mins (keep turning sides of the chicken pieces so that all sides are cooked evenly)

 4. Sprinkle Kasuri Methi and Grill for 2 more minutes 

 5. You are ready to serve Yummy chicken masala 🤗

Happy Cooking !! 

Chicken in Tandoori Gravy Masala .

Ingredients :


✅plain yogurt

✅tomato purée

✅ginger paste

✅garlic paste

✅garam masala powder

✅paprika powder

✅red chillie powder to taste


✅vegetable oil

✅chaat masala

✅lemon juice

✅cumin powder

✅coriander powder
✔️ Directions :
1. Add all ingrediants into the chicken pieces and marinade for at least 6 hours.

2. Grill it in the tandoor ( if available ) or in the microwave oven.

3. Ready to serve 🍗🍗🤗

Lemony PAN Fried spicy Chicken breasts  ..

For the marinade

Lemon Juice freshly squeezed


Black Pepper

Coriander powder

Cumin powder

Dried oregano

Paprika powder
Preferably marinade for at least two hours in the refrigerator for better results .
After the chicken breasts are marinated dredge them in all purpose flour.


Heat a skillet pan over medium-high heat with the oil. When oil is ready, place the chicken on the skillet and pan-fry until both sides are golden brown.

Garnish with chilli flakes & oregano ..Yummy chicken breasts are ready to be served .