Tag Archives: mustard chicken

Chicken in mustard sauce .

All you need for boneless chicken in creamy mustard sauce : 
Boneless Chicken diced 


English mustard paste 

Fresh cream 2/3 teaspoons 

Salt to taste 

Pepper powder 

Chopped onions 

Dried oregano 


Paprika powder 

Olive oil 
Method : 

Marinate the boneless diced chicken in salt,paprika powder and cornflour. ( for at least one hour) 
For the gravy :

Make a paste of English mustard, mayonnaise and fresh cream.
In a pan heat olive oil & turn in the marinated chicken . Fry until it’s done on all sides and keep aside . 

In the same pan add chopped onions and fry . Add the chicken pieces back to the pan . Pour in the paste already prepared and mix well . 

Add salt , pepper and finish it off with a dash of dried oregano .Serve with plain steamed rice or herbed butter rice . 

Happy cooking !